Topic: Business English - change - coping strategies
Level: B1 and above
Skills: Reading and Speaking
Link to graph: 6 Types of Organizational Change, Explained
Link to original article: How to cope with change in the workplace
Link to video: Navigate and Embrace Change
To talk about change in the workplace
To learn about different types of organizational change
To describe past, present and possible change in the workplace
To make predictions before reading an article
To read for gist and for detail
To express opinion and reaction about the text
To choose a speaking activity about the topic
Optional: To watch a video and discuss main ideas
Use of language & lexis:
To use different tenses to talk about change in the workplace
To learn / review vocabulary related to change
To learn / review contextualized chunks related to the topic
Photo by AllGo - An App For Plus Size People on Unsplash
For more ideas on how to apply the Lexical Approach in your materials and classes, read Teaching Lexically by Hugh Dellar and Andrew Walkley (je Lexical Lab)