Topics: General English – consumerism – mental health – environment - traditions
Level: A2+/B1 and above.
Skills: Speaking, Reading and Writing.
To discuss the meaning of Christmas and different traditions and festivities around the world.
To discuss the importance of gift giving in students’ cultures.
To discuss positive and negative aspects of buying presents.
To make predictions before reading a text.
To read for gist and detail.
To express opinion and feelings.
To discuss the influence of the media on consumerism and think of different ways of stopping /reducing this phenomenon.
To write an opinion essay.
Use of language and lexis:
To use different tenses to talk about their past and current traditions.
To learn / review collocations related to Christmas.
To learn / review prepositions that are used with the noun “Christmas” (on, at, during)
To review linking words of contrast, result, addition.
To review vocabulary to express opinion and feelings.
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