Topics: Business English – mental health – work-life balance - burnout
Level: B1 and above
Skills: Reading, Speaking and Writing
Link to article:,-burnout-and-perfectionism
Link to Liz Fosslien’s amazing images:
To talk about mental health and work-life balance.
To define the term “burnout” and talk about personal experiences.
To make prediction and inference before reading an adapted article.
To read for gist and for detail.
To compare and contrast ideas.
To analyze source, tone, purpose, opinion and facts. (CT skills)
To use the vocabulary in meaningful and contextualized exchanges.
To relate the topic to students’ own contexts.
Use of language & lexis:
To learn / review Simple Present to talk about routines and habits.
To learn / review Simple Past to talk about past experiences.
To learn / review vocabulary to talk about work-life balance and burnout.
To learn / review business-related phrasal verbs and idioms.
To learn / review adjectives to describe situations and feelings (-ed vs -ing).
Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich: