Topics: General English – presents - natural talent – skills
Level: B2 and above
Skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing.
- To discuss the different meanings of the noun "gift"
- To talk about personal experiences about gifts (presents and skills)
- To discuss whether a talent is born or made.
- To listen for gist and detail.
- To react to the speakers' points of view and express opinion.
- To reflect on speaking issues and how to overcome them.
- To read and do an online quiz to find their hidden talents
- To write an essay on a topic from the lesson plan.
Use of Lexis:
- To learn / review collocations of the noun "gift" (verbs and adjectives)
- To learn / review some verbs and idioms related to skills.
- To review language for opinion.
- To review language for advice.
- To review second conditional.
- To review wish + simple past.
Link to listening:
Link to quiz: