Topics: General English - Business English - choice - decision-making
Level: B1 and above
Skills: Reading and Speaking
Link to original TEDTalk: The Paradox of Choice
Link to original article: The Paradox of Choice, by Barry Schwartz - TED talk
To define the concept of "choice".
To talk about recent choices.
To rank the recent choices in terms of difficulty.
To predict information before reading a text.
To make inference before reading a text.
To read for gist and for detail.
To express opinion about the topic.
To roleplay a realistic decision-making situation.
Use of language & lexis:
To use Simple Present to talk about choice.
To use Simple Past and Present Perfect to talk about recent and past decisions.
To review comparatives and superlatives (the easiest, the most difficult, the more....the more...)
To learn / review vocabulary related to the topic.
To learn / review collocations with the noun "choice" and the verb "to choose".
To learn review phrases for agreement / disagreement.
To learn review phrases for asking for / giving advice.
To work on emergent language (optional).
Hi Silvina!
I'm hoping to use this soon with a group of students - I'll tell you how it goes😉. Just one little thing - the Ts notes are the Ss notes and vice versa :)