Topics: Business English - health - time off - work/life balance
Level: A2 and above
Skills: Speaking and Listening
Link to cartoon: Sick Day - The Saturday Evening Post
Link to TikTok video: Sick Day - TikTok Christian Maldonado
Link to infographic: 14 Scientific Reasons to Disconnect Over the Weekend
To talk about sick days and work/life balance
To talk about past experiences when feeling sick
To make predictions before watching a video
To listen for gist and for detail
To talk about different types of managers
To role-play a situation at work
To talk about leave policies in different countries
To read an infographic on the importance of time off
To work on emergent language
To develop listening decoding skills
Use of language & lexis:
To use Simple Past and Present Perfect to talk about sick days
To learn / review vocabulary about the topic
To learn / review adjectives to describe management styles
To learn / review collocations with the verb “take” about the topic
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