Topics: Business English - innovation - creativity
Level: B2 and above
Skills: Speaking and Listening
Link to video: The Explainer: How to Be a Disruptor
Link to cartoons: 12 Cartoons That Explain Why Innovation Is So Darned Hard
Link to quotes: What is innovation? 26 experts share their innovation definition
Link to test: Test: How Innovative Are You?
To define the concept of innovation
To discuss in what ways companies embrace innovation
To talk about different types of innovation
To listen for gist and for detail
To use visual aids to retell ideas from the video
To choose a follow-up task: class discussion, role-play, test, mini-presentation
Use of language & lexis:
To use different tenses to talk about past and present experiences about innovation
To learn / review vocabulary about the topic
To review word transformation
Thanks Timo Elliott for allowing me to use your fantastic cartoons! :)
Credits to Rachel Tsateri for the idea I used in the matching activity (exercise 9)!