- Worksheet made in collaboration with Emma Heyderman -
Topics: General English - reading - reading habits and preferences
Level: B2 and above
Skills: Listening, Speaking and Writing.
To talk about reading habits and preferences.
To discuss the benefits of reading.
To make predictions before watching a video.
To listen for gist and for detail.
To develop listening decoding skills.
To express opinion and reaction.
To make a visual presentation on the topic.
To write an opinion essay on the topic.
To reflect on the lesson objectives and outcomes.
Focus on language & pronunciation:
To use Present Simple to talk about reading habits and preferences.
To use Second conditional to talk about hypothesis and unreal situations.
To learn / review some vocabulary related to the topic.
To learn / review collocations with prepositions.
To learn / review weak forms and connected speech.
Hi Silvina,
Last month I used 'What does reading on screens do to our brians?' during an intensive course with Secondary teachers. The teachers found the materials really interesting and so did I! I just want to say thank you for sharing. I 'll certainly keep a look out for what you write in the future and will recommend it to others! It's a great site with interesting resources. Congratulations! 😍